Detect & Prevent Muscle Fatigue

Myoton can be used to objectively measure individual skeletal muscles, ligaments and tendons as well as different regions of any soft tissue. MyotonPRO detects even small changes in the state and properties of tissues to a high degree of accuracy.

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Join us on our mission to take professional athletes to the next level.

The MyotonPRO device is a patented technology designed for the advanced assessment of mechanical properties. Myoton introduces sports science to muscle evaluation, enabling non-invasive, cost-effective, quick, and easy measurements of superficial skeletal muscles and tendons.

Muscle Tone

Oscillation Frequency (Hz) is the mechanical tension in a relaxed muscle which characterises the Tone (intrinsic tension on the cellular level). It describes the restoration conditions of the muscle between efforts. A tone higher than normal disturbs the muscle's blood supply conditions, as the blood vessels of the muscle are more contracted and less blood reaches the muscle. Increased tone is relatable to pain, atlethic underachievement, overload, muscle fatigue and poor recovery. Low tone may indicate weak muscles.

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Muscle Stiffness

Dynamic Stiffness (N/m) is a muscle's ability to resist a force deforming the muscle. In terms of athletic performance, it is related to the resistance of the antagonist muscles during movement. Stiffer muscles require greater effort to stretch the antagonist muscle; this leads to worse economy of movement. Asymmetry of stiffness between body sides can disturb the rhythm of the movements.

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Muscle Elasticity

Is a muscle's ability to restore its initial shape. It describes the condition of the muscle's blood supply during the effort and the ability to increase the speed of the movement. The blood supply of a skeletal muscle during effort can only be effective if the muscle restores its shape relatively quickly during the interval between two contractions. In other words - the muscle must have good elasticity (a muscle’s elasticity is by definition the ability to restore its shape). Decreased elasticity brings on quicker muscle fatigue and the speed of a movement is limited if the muscle is less elastic.

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Train your muscles efficiently

Myoton is a useful tool for monitoring the physical condition of muscles in the training and recovery process.


Muscle Development & Performance

Muscle stiffness is related to the performance of dynamic activities and can be used for evaluating the effect of training load on muscle physical condition.

Fatigue / Overtraining

Myoton is a reliable tool for quantitative assessment of muscle fatigue and overtraining.

Muscle symmetry

Between-side symmetry with differences of more than 10% is an indication of abnormality.

Injury prevention

Detection of abnormally high muscle stiffness and low elasticity helps to prevent muscle injuries.

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  • Immersive Medical Training

  • Remote Collaboration

  • Research and Development

  • Enhanced Training


From Athletes to Astronauts Real Stories

Alexander Gerst

Astronaut and geophysicist

MyotonPRO is a crucial device to test muscle adaptation in space during normal daily routine and regular training. Staying fit throughout the mission, allows astronauts to return to normal life on Earth as smoothly as possible. Device allows us to measure muscle tone objectively and provides scientists at Charité University Berlin with the data showing how our muscles are changing during and after our time on the International Space Station.

Myotones - Muscle Tone in Space

Power of Mytonometry

Developed for medical, sports, and research applications, this compact, smartphone-sized digital palpation device delivers precise measurements of superficial skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments, adipose tissue, and skin.


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